Our team is sensitive to those that are grieving and are here to help you through the legal processes related to a passing. Probate Court is where the Last Will and Testament is filed after a person passes away for safe keeping and as a matter of public record.
If a probate proceeding is necessary, the court oversees the process where the decedent’s assets are gathered, debts are paid off, and any remaining assets are distributed to the designated beneficiaries. If a person dies without a will, the assets are distributed to the heirs based upon Florida law.
We take the time to explain the options, define the terms and minimize the tasks associated with a probate proceeding if that is necessary for your loved one’s estate.
Depending on the estate and circumstances, there are several types of administration:
- Summary
- Formal
- Ancillary
- Disposition without Administration
Probate proceedings may be avoided in many cases with some pre-planning during one’s life