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Thanks for visiting our DSM Law website. We invite you to also visit us on FACEBOOK. If you have any questions, please call us. Have a wonderful, memory making day!
Thanks for visiting our DSM Law website. We invite you to also visit us on FACEBOOK. If you have any questions, please call us. Have a wonderful, memory making day!
After quite a year in 2021, we all wish each of you the best in 2022. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your lives as you plan for yourself and your families. We are here if you need us!
As we all move forward during this unusual time, DSM Law wants to provide a note of encouragement. We hope you find a smile, visit a friend or make a memory this June 🙂 Here if you need us…
Welcome Honeywell. Yes, we have a new addition to our office. In this unusual time, we are thrilled to share that we have added an air filtration system to our conference room. For everyone’s safety, our new multi-stage HEPA filtration unit is now part of our conference room. To ensure our clients are meeting in...
We wish you and your family all safe times. We have implemented safe signings at our office as well. Thinking of you all. Take care!
A time to plan. During this difficult time, we are here to provide you with direction as you plan for tomorrow. Questions about Power of Attorney or Health Care Directives? Do you want to review your current estate plan? We are providing practical guidance during this challenging time. Please let us know how we can...
Based on recent calls to our office, many are becoming more concerned about plans for their personal and business assets during this unusual time, we wanted to share how title makes a big difference in these 3 specific scenarios. If you own an account that is titled in your name alone (i.e. My bank account...
DSM Law is proud to announce in 2020, we have partnered with an attorney who is licensed in NY, NJ and FL so if you have any concerns as you visit FL for less than 6 months and a day, please call us for an appointment. We so look forward to meeting you during our...
We wish you a HAPPY Summer. Since we all have a choice and life certainly has lots of ups and downs, just a note to We know it is difficult some days but we hope that today is a HAPPY day. As lawyers we do our best to provide the best service, the best documents...
Do you know what to celebrate today? April 10th is Sibling Day, April 11th is Pet Day and April 22nd is Jelly Bean Day. Who knew? We think it is fun that there is a DAY for everything now. Make sure you celebrate during the month of April as there is a day for just...